I'd like to thank the members of the academy...

The guilty parties!
  • Greg Perry - Head honcho at GPSoftware and main instigator of Directory Opus 5.
  • Jon Potter - The programmer behind Opus in all its guises.
  • Ben Vost - Amiga journalist and ex-luddite responsible for the html and some of the tutorial.
  • Martin Steigerwald - The man behind the hierarchical filetypes, some of the ARexx scripts and the original idea for the DOpus PLUS CD.
  • Dave Clarke - ARexx guru responsible for the ARexx portion of this tutorial and many of the scripts on the CD.
  • Helmut Hummel - The man responsible for the C programming section of the tutorial and many of the modules for Opus found on this CD.
  • Many others - There were lots of other people who helped make this tutorial what it is and included in that number are Trevor Morris, John Lowery and all of those on the Directory Opus beta mailing list for their suggestions, feedback and help.

Software used

  • Turbotext - Text editor of choice for Ben Vost in creating the HTML for the tutorial.
  • iBrowse - The Amiga's best web browser. Used for development of the tutorial and its presentation on the CD.
  • YAM - The best mail package on the Amiga used for intense discussions around the world in order to get this CD finished!
  • PPaint - The finest bitmapped paint package available on any platform for creating images suitable for a web browser.
  • Miami TCP stack - An example of just how good (and easy) Amiga software can be.
  • Directory Opus - Of course!
  • SAS/C - Still the finest C compiler the Amiga has.
  • ARexx v1.15 - William Hawes' meisterwork which gave the Amiga the wherewithal to stand head and shoulders above the computing crowd.
  • GoldEd 5 - Martin's favourite text editor!

Hardware used

  • The Amiga - the single most superb computer on the planet. Without its flexibility and power this CD would have been a lot harder to create. It would have been a lot easier if there were more companies still supporting the platform with software to help with website creation.
  • Picasso IV graphics card - Having a large display to work on has been a very big help for the creation of this CD. It's also very useful for the use of Directory Opus.
  • CyberStorm 060 - The power and memory that having a CyberStorm can give you make it an invaluable tool for the creation of this CD.
  • Pace Solo modem - Without the internet, this CD just wouldn't have been possible.

Our thanks go out to

  • Greg and Jon would like to thank: - All those who have contributed to this project and helped us put it together. Also thanks to Petro for the sausages.
  • Ben would like to thank: - My girlfriend Fiona for putting up with the late nights and excessive amount of work I've put into this, and Greg for letting me have my head with the outrageously complex HTML code that goes into every page of this tutorial. My thanks don't go out to the makers of NetScape and Internet Explorer, or any of the other web browsers (including iBrowse) for making the standard of HTML so non-standard.
  • Martin would like to thank: - The makers of AmigaOS and DirectoryOpus. The makers of the DOpus PLUS CD. All people who believe in Amiga. Many thanks go to Fleecy Moss and Amiga, Inc. for being present and trying to revive the Amiga. All people who care about our environment, who love our lovely planet, the earth, and help saving it. All vegetable living, raw food eaters ;)
  • Dave would like to thank: - Thanx to Greg and Jon for letting me test Opus for the last 3.5 years, Trevor Morris for his themes, Leo Davidson and Edmund Vermeulen for their ARexx scripts which I warped to my own warped purposes. My wife for enduring me. Lastly the original designers of the Amiga, giving me the power to do what I have done.
  • Helmut would like to thank: - BIG THANKS to Jon and Greg for DOpus AND for staying Amiga friends! Thanks also to Trevor Morris, Jim Hayes, Jens Weyer for testing and making suggestions (RndPic/Time/DOExchange modules, Jens Weyer also for "betatesting" the guide) and last but not least to Ben Vost for correcting/converting the whole thing.

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